Shoulder Bursitis and the Function of Tissues Affected
Shoulder bursitis is an inflammation of a shoulder bursa. The bursa is a sac containing fluid, which reduces friction between the tissues. It also absorbs the forces of the muscles and tendons around the joint.
What Are the Causes of Shoulder Bursitis?
Raising the arm above the head repeatedly, such as while painting or cleaning a wall, may damage the bursa, as the motion creates friction and can irritate the tissue. Pressure on the shoulder, such as sleeping on your side or a fall, may also injure it. The irritation can lead to shoulder problems and limit your function.
Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Bursitis
Shoulder bursitis pain starts at the top side of the shoulder. It then gradually spreads all over your shoulder, accompanied by swelling. As it gets worse, the muscles deactivate and weaken.
When the swelling worsens, the joint tightens more and raising the affected arm becomes difficult, thus limiting movement. In addition, the swelling prevents blood flow, and this glue-like fluid makes the tissue stiff. This may lead to a frozen shoulder as time progresses.
The Problem and the Effect on Your Daily Routine
Shoulder bursitis pain is terrible. It disturbs your sleep and prevents proper healing, and a daily routine such as changing clothes and grooming can become agonizing. The worst is when you lose time because you can’t go to work or take care of yourself. It has the potential to make your life miserable.
The Key to Shoulder Bursitis Recovery
Managing the swollen bursa is the topmost priority: the pain and the swelling need to subside first. Then, gradual and safe movement follows until you regain normal motion.