Tag: Knee Osteoarthritis

How to Manage Knee Osteoarthritis After a Flare

Older woman sitting on couch at home while experiencing knee pain caused by an osteoarthritis flare up

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) flares can disrupt the quality of your life. After an episode, most neglect to address the side effects. Once the flare subsides, however, focusing on regaining strength and function is crucial, as weakness and lack of motion put you at risk of another attack. A recovery plan can help you return to… Read more »

How To Manage A Flare of Knee Osteoarthritis At Home

Man sitting on couch and clutching is knee due to Osteoarthritis pain

One day, an elderly patient asked me, “Dr. Chester, it’s annoying to move and walk around when my knee arthritis flares up. What would you say is the best home remedy I can do?” I showed the techniques and explained the concepts for her to understand. Then, I told her I would write a blog… Read more »